

Grow Your Hospital

Let us help you grow your hospital beyond your expectations

Built SEO

Built SEO

A good SEO campaign will lead to a higher patient retention rate

Hospital Profile

Hospital Profile

The majority of people searching for medical professionals use Vaidya HMS.

Online Appointment

Online Appointment

Making online appointments convenient for your patients is a great way to increase the satisfaction



Be up-to-date on latest techniques/knowledge/research.

Easy to Use

Easy to Use

An easy-to-use, high quality software that has all the features you need.

24*7 Support

24*7 Support

It is our pleasure to assist you at any time.

Choose Your Pricing Plan




  • Appointments
  • Blood Banks
  • Documents
  • Live Consultations
  • Inventory
  • Vaccinations
  • SMS / Mail
  • Radiology
  • Reports
  • Pathology




  • Appointments
  • Documents
  • Reports




  • Appointments
  • Blood Banks
  • Documents
  • Live Consultations
  • Inventory
  • Vaccinations
  • SMS / Mail
  • Radiology
  • Reports
  • Pathology